Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The Next Day

I gave my next lecture. Before giving this however, I advised the students of my rights to teach them by whatever method that I feel is most appropriate. Reminding them that I am experienced in this profession and that I should be having some of their respect.

This same rather sneering creepy student again came to me after the lecture. He asked if I was angry with him; my reply was, "perhaps". He said that he hoped I was not angry with him. To this I replied, "it will heal".
He was very much adamant that he didn't want me to be angry with him. For a moment I thought to myself, is this a sort of apology?

His big mouth however did not stop; he went on to say that he feared that I might not forget...

The big mouth ran away from his brain further, and he told me of some of the professors here, how "when they are upset with a student...they... give that student bad marks in the exams". Amazing! Such sincerity!

Perhaps he might have considered that he had offended his "teacher" that his teacher needs an apology; but no, he was merely checking to see if I would exact revenge. We have a word in English for this kind of person... GIT!

However I replied to him that I don't even know his name, I don't want to know his name, and that when I mark exam papers I never give or take way marks on the basis of whether I like a student or not. I can't be bothered to honest. God we are supposed to be highly educated professionals, with Ph.D.s and the like yet... many professor/lecturers actually do this.

This made me think of how much professionalism is a dying virtue in universities nowadays. If a student offends me, thankfully I am brave enough to address it; either there and then; or shortly afterwards following some reflection. It really does seem quite childish to exact revenge through exams.

Strangely enough a few days ago; another student whom I had taught previously, told me something most curious. I mentioned to him that perhaps I was looking for a job elsewhere. He replied that this would be a great loss to the university; as I am honourable in a place which lacks honour. See they're not all bad!

1 comment:

Abu Bizarre said...

What a load of rubbish!